

A passion for bringing out the best in people

Be Inspired by What Others Say about Veraxis


“You truly are a gift from the gods.” – Ruth Mason, Mason Design Group

“Thank you for bringing me into your wonderful world – you are so unlike anyone I have ever met… Pure presence and I feel wide-eyed like a kid seeing magic. Thank you, Ariole. All the light and love.” – Chandra Crawford, Canadian Nordic Skiing Olympic Gold Medalist

“Ariole has a passion, a spirit, and an unbelievable gift to connect with people and help them to become better. My connection with Ariole has been a pleasure and I value her coaching, support, wisdom, and guidance. She has helped me to prioritize what is important in my life professionally and personally, and has helped me to swiftly find balance and clarity. She has introduced me to the concepts of being present and making space, accessing deeper knowledge and understanding of my self-awareness, and as she has helped me to tune my thoughts, I am developing deeper confidence as a leader.” – Cameron Veres, Principal and Studio Lead, DIALOG

“Ariole is engaging and incredibly easy to converse with. She shares her knowledge in a manner that creates motivation and excitement without hype. She generates excitement through the awareness of tools that are inherently readily available to use. Significant motivation comes through the relative simplicity of how to implement these tools.

Ariole approaches training on a holistic level, understanding that the whole of one’s life affects how one fulfills a leadership role. As a result, discussions about workplace culture, vision, and goals encompass this whole life view. I have found her approach to leadership training to be profoundly effective when understanding and improving the culture of our workplace; in aligning my goals with my strengths; and in providing strategies that enable me to adjust to our significant success.” – James Emery, Principle, Iredale Group

“Ariole has a wonderful ability to see the big picture and understand the whole of the system at work. Her professional roots in the arts make her relatable to creative professionals, while her profound life experiences and wisdom allow her to provide advice which is thought-provoking and endlessly valuable.

“I have had the privilege of being an ‘Executive Life and Leadership Coaching’ client of Ariole’s for over 10 years now. Over the course of that time, I have faced some difficult challenges and undergone significant changes both on a professional level and in my personal life. Ariole has provided ongoing guidance and support in dealing with a multitude of situations, helping me to overcome the challenges and lead our firm forward in spite of them. She has constantly provided an alternate perspective and enlightening advice, highlighting one’s innate abilities and encouraging a positive path forward. She continues to add value to my life and my business.” – Cathy Garrido, Principal, Sustain and Altius Architects

“My needs for approval from others to feel good about myself are thankfully released.  I feel lighter, more loving and thankful to Ariole for this result of our work.” – Sue Anderson

“I am feeling the benefits.  I feel happier; mental clarity; more energy; feel healthier in the body; feel more optimistic.  Let’s keep up the good work!” – Andy S.

“Profound!” – Mel S.

“In only 3 sessions with Veraxis Life Coach Ariole K. Alei, I accomplished more than through two years of therapy years ago.  Ariole gets right to the core of the problem and gives you the tools to quickly work through it and get through to the other side.  My sessions with her were life changing.” – Jodi S.

“Thank-you so much Ariole for your amazing insights today in my Coaching session.” – Lynn J.

“Your wonderful non-judgmental guidance has helped me so much – your insight and gentle ability to open new knowledge to my eyes.  Gratitude to you.” – Linden K.

“Our Coaching Session today was brilliant.  The integration has begun. 
Thank you!” – Sandra G.

“Thanks Ariole – I wish to express my appreciation.  Your compassionate care and wisdom have served me and will continue to.” – Sally W. 

“I cannot describe to you how much better I feel!  Kindest regards” – Terry L.

“It felt so natural to sit with Ariole in my Coaching Session.  I felt like I was floating when I came out. Hadn’t felt any emotion for 5 years – none whatsoever.  Now it’s flowing through me.  If you don’t grow you don’t live.” – Carl S.

Fellow Authors

“Ariole K. Alei delivers.  [She] provides tools, scripts and exercises to get awesome results.” – Michael Losier, Best-selling Author, Law of Attraction

“What is more important than healing the separation between our real self, the spirit, and the illusory self, the ego?  Can the ego be transformed from antagonist to our spirit into part of it?  Read this highly original book and find out.” – Constance Kellough, Founder & Publisher, Namaste Publishing, Author, THE LEAP – Are You Ready to Live a New Reality?

“The Simplexity of Abundance is a most comprehensive book on understanding prosperity principles. [It] sets a new tone in consciousness for a life more abundant.” – John Randolph Price, author The Angels Within Us and The Abundance Book, Chairman of the Quartus Foundation

“The SImplexity of Abundance – 4 Steps to Plenty is another masterpiece by author and visionary Ariole K. Alei. Like The Four Agreements, Ask and It Is Given and Power vs Force, this book will become highly recommended reading for all of my clients.” – Colin Hillstrom, author of When A Man Really Loves A Woman and Your 2nd Life – How To Live the Life You Always Wanted

Retreat Participants

“Ariole is flat out brilliant.  High energy, high integrity, high quality communication.  She is a powerful, visionary leader.  Ariole thinks well outside mainstream boxes and helps people tap into universal truths that grant access to depth, richness, and clarity that so many people seek.” – Aaron Chubb, Entrepreneur


“At the end of the day the consensus was … your Facilitation was the highlight of our Retreat!” – Mickey R.

“I found the time was too short.  I felt different from the beginning to the end of the session.  I wish we had more time to explore the relaxation.” – Len C.

“These are such valuable seminars!  This makes working here a joy!” – Jason S.

“Good practical applications to our business situations.  Challenged us to take ‘ownership’.  I would like to have more of a one-on-one workshop on these exercises.” – Gary J.

“It was too short.  I would like something to take back and expose to the rest of the people in our Branch.  It is more beneficial than the company might realize in the long term.” – Mark L.

“Relaxation technique was best part.  Great discussion of topics.” – Martin S.

“It was great.  Empowering and made me reconsider.  Honestly nice to have it.” – Irene L. 

“Excellent facilitation.” – Maria Y.


“I have had the great blessing of ‘accidentally’ hearing Ariole speak one morning.  This led me to take a workshop weekend she facilitated.  It was the most enlightening experience I have had.  My personal session with Ariole was amazing and showed me new avenues of exploration.  For the greater part of the past year I have attended Ariole’s weekly meditation sessions.  These sessions are transformative, life changing and confirming.  Ariole’s gentle guidance assures one that they are well cared for during these experiences she facilitates.  If one is wanting to advance their knowledge, I recommend an evening with Ariole, from there it’s up to you.” – Donna C.


“It was such a pleasure and inspiration to meet you Ariole!  Thank you for the many gifts you imparted through your workshop, and for being such a bright beacon of light!  You truly are an inspiration.” – C.B.

“Ariole is very knowledgable, energetic, dynamic powerhouse who can give a heartfelt workshop for 3 hours straight with only a sheet of paper for notes, and draws out participants into fullness.” – D.V.

“I loved the workshop!!! Thank you so much for your clarity and your enthusiasm. The practical tools were extremely useful. I am seriously considering becoming a Presenter of what you offer!” – M.S.

“Thankful for Ariole:  When she looks into your eyes she has an in depth look into your very soul.” – Dale V.

“I am always touched and inspired by your loving guidance. I receive so much from every encounter with you. I really think that your offerings reflect the honesty, intregrity and compassion that you carry. It’s quite beautiful to witness and be a part of. It is a true gift.” – Sara G.

“I just want to tell you how much Ariole’s teachings have done for me.   I believe that Ariole has a gift to help people work through their concerns to a root level.  She does this without expectation and is very patient.  Her objective approach is a relief to me as I feel very comfortable letting my guard down with her.  I feel Ariole is the real truth. Her knowledge is quite apparent as is her connection to her higher self.  Thank you.” – Meredith K.

Movement Workshops

“Ariole’s work is highly integral.  It really hits the mark.” – Tina

I’ve waited three years to thank you in person! The Workshop changed my life! ” – Jitka H.

“Participating in one of Ariole’s movement sessions is absolutely wonderful in every way – physically, emotionally, energetically, and spiritually.  Combining great music along with her learned and intuitive guidance, she helps me tap deeper into my creative, healing and growing flows and expands them further. And it’s fun.  I’m grateful for the experience and for knowing Ariole.  And I think I’m on to something really good here.” – Dave Yee

“Profound, simple, life – changing.” – Lorraine Chan

“I flew!” – Mara Shnay

“Ariole’s dance encourages my mind to rest and my body to express ever so naturally its own joy and wisdom.” – Graham H.

“Ariole held sacred space and respectfully guided me as I journeyed into my soul.  I experienced a releasing of negativity, and a freedom to claim my space and play.  Transformational!” – Jeanette N.

Tele Classes and Online Courses

“Ariole, It is such an honor for me to have been connected with you. You are such a great mentor and your role in this life gives me such peace that we (as a human race) will prevail. Be well and keep well.” – M.K.

“You are so precious!  I’ve recently heard from three people who are SO appreciating your gifts!  Your presentation is even better than Tolle’s (with Oprah), I’ve been told.  Yes!  I don’t doubt it!  FYI, one aspect that is so valuable is your clarity – your great explanations and examples that make these concepts live in real life.” – J.R.

“Ariole, that was one of the most effective and informative one hour tele-classes I’ve ever been on!  Thank you so much.  Thank You.” – L.S.J.

“The recording of the Tele Class was truly heavenly – yum.  Again, I look forward to 
this recording and home play. It is all just what I needed.  Much Love” – T.T.

“HIGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  That was the most amazing class I’ve heard in awhile.  I’d like to HEARTily congratulate you on the depth and exquisite energy you created for us.” – G.V.


“I hope you never stop. This is one of the best sites I’ve ever read!” – Finlay

“ArioleAlei.com is one of the best things I’ve ever seen.” – R.H.

“Wow. Your offerings are wonderful!!!” – J.R.

“Way to go! Seems like you are really contributing to the world in a meaningful way.” – S.T.

“You wonderful innovators are doing a GREAT job! And I have been spreading the word!” – L.J.

“So proud of you and your accomplishment – so inspiring!” – J.R.


“How wonderful to hear your healing voice! Thank you so much for doing this. Love and gratitude.” – Jan R.

“I’ve listened to your Podcasts. You come from the heart. They’re very good. Both Ariole and Colin have an exceptional vision. It’s just wonderful. Thank you so very much.” – Bonnie L.

“I used your podcast for Meditation this morning. Ahhh …” – J.R.

“I had trouble sleeping last night and so put on your tapes and listened to your voice and had a very restful sleep.  It amazes me the impact you have been and continue to be.” – Eileen K.

Books – The Ego and The Soul

“Truth = the most hopeful argument.  The most hopeful argument is the one that works for this world.  So our highest truth – our greatest hope – may be the reunion of Ego and Soul.”  – Tanis Talbot, criminal defense lawyer primarily representing Indigenous youth

“Ariole puts it … ‘We are now in the greatest peril – and the greatest opportunity – experienced by humanity since the dawn of our current civilization.’  Ariole has delivered to us in her new book the keys to the universe and how to get back on track.  She has laid out how our Ego can work for the good, how to get to Utopia, how our radiant Self can shine forth and align with our role and purpose in life.  The work begins with us, and Ariole has made it easy for that work to begin.  Thank you, Ariole, for delivering the goods.  Ariole is a gifted being who lives her life for the elevation of humankind.  We are fortunate to have such beings with us.” – Kenneth Schwenker, Founder, Leaders Causing Leaders and OneLoveFest, CoFounder, BhaktiFest

“Your book is coming out at a crucial time.  We are indeed on the brink of a life/death crossroads… no place to hide, no shades of grey or procrastination.  ‘Now’ is the time to set the wheels in motion for actively co–creating our future.  Survival of our species is at stake.  Thank you for your kindness in honoring me with your words which are akin to reading an ancient text of wisdom, one that also has solutions to rescue our planet and lead our current civilization out of turmoil and fear, and in to a peaceful, harmonious ‘Utopia’ … not that of a wishful dream, but one of this/our reality.  I am inspired by your writings that ring so true with the feelings in my heart and soul.” – Bonnie Lindal

“Ariole Alei introduces the idea of the Ego and the Soul working in tandem towards the ‘thrival’ of the human spirit in an engaging and approachable format.  This book lays out a simple yet profound path to unlocking your own amazing potential – a potential you may never have imagined you possess.” – Larisa Harrison, Co-Founder, Crailar / Naturally Advanced Technologies Inc.

“I have always loved Einstein’s quote, ‘We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.’  What Einstein doesn’t mention, is that it was our egos that created the problematic thinking in the first place.  In her book The Ego and The Soul, Ariole Alei does not just evoke new thought, but a completely revolutionary way of being!  Through the centuries, sages and teachers have taught us that the ego is bad, or the ego is an illusion that needs to be woken up from, or vanquished.  This book takes us in a whole new direction: befriending our ego, not vilifying it.  Allowing it to take its rightful place as co-pilot to our soul.  The soul being our true essence, the mothership encapsulating and nurturing our ego, as well as every other part of existence.  This book is an essential read to those who wish to be free.”  – Peter Williams, Director of Photography and former CNN International journalist

“Thank you Ariole for your gentle, unerring guidance to deftly take us from our outside selves to our inside Self.  This book is a compass to help us navigate to Source.  Every seeker will recognize and benefit from the wisdom contained in its pages.” – Sat Dharam Kaur, Naturopath, Kundalini Yoga Teacher Trainer, Author

“I just finished The Ego and The Soul.  Oh my gosh, I don’t know what to say.  I am writing with tears in my eyes knowing it has given me the answer to why I have struggled and struggled so much with mental confusion, pain and physical illness during this entire lifetime.  I feel it is so important you know your book is a trigger that opens the best door ever.  THIS IS IT – THE REAL DEAL.  Your book is going to be life changing in ways the world has never seen before.  I just need to say a massive, heart felt thank you for every word from your bible of absolute truth The Ego and The Soul.” – Simon Rose, London, UK

“A necessity in the evolution of consciousness is to engage the powerful dynamic of ego and soul.  Ariole, in her book, masterfully delineates these two and provides guidance in a step-wise direction to move from egocentric states into the higher states of the soul.  A must read.” – Tracy Thomson, Founder, Gaia Collaborative Medicine

“Now I’ve started I can’t put it down!!  I’ve read to page 60 and already my ego feels softer, less afraid, more willing.  It makes so much sense to me, and it feels like ‘home’.  When Ariole mentions the presence of a “new voice” I realize it was that I was experiencing….  I can’t wait to read more tonight!!!!!!!” – Claire Honeyman

“I’ve been reading your book, am on page 42, and am greatly enjoying it.  It was keeping step with some personal stuff that I was going through, am going through.  It helped me to understand the crazy ego responses I was having to my situation.  Very helpful.” – Marty Avery

 “Just starting to read The Ego and The Soul.  So far I totally agree with your insights around the ego.  I remember a few years ago speaking to a young woman who was thinking she must kill her ego.  In the end I spoke a simple truth – basically, your ego is trying to kill you.  You will never win if your ego keeps battling itself, as the ego is part of you.  As with a lot of things, it’s about learning to be gentle with your self.” – John Cahill, London, UK

“Much gratitude and warm thanks for birthing this energy packet.  My experience of reading The Ego and The Soul has been very uplifting.  I really appreciate how it is laid out, the ‘key concepts’, and that it is written for beloved ego!  I am doing a first read and this is lovely.  Hope is in the pages.  Thank you for this gift.” – Naomi Forrest

“My sincere appreciation for sending me your book whose time has truly come.  First of all, I must compliment you on the clarity of your valuable knowledge expressed in yet another exquisite piece of work.  What a joy to read, and so timely – my partner and I had engaged in much conversation regarding the ego just before you shared The Ego and The Soul with me.  Much appreciation to you.” – Bonnie Lindal

“I want to thank you for sharing The Ego and The Soul with me.  I have experienced quite a bit of stress during the last two months.  The stress really lowered my ability and caused me anxiety.  For quite a while I was not sure what was happening to me.  Your book was ‘life giving’ to me.  It helped me describe how I was feeling – paralyzed!  I read sections every night as it calmed me and helped me to sleep.  Some nights when I did wake up, instead of tossing and turning I would just turn on the light and read for a while.  It settled me down quickly and I was soon back to sleep.  It made me feel great; it gave me hope.  I realized that my ego was scared.  Feeling tired, I believe a past trigger of not feeling smart enough appeared.  This is an area that I am now working on with myself.  One of the questions in your book is, “What are you afraid of?”  I now notice triggers and am able to ‘observe’ more about how I am feeling.  Last week I felt back to my more healthy self.  Thank you so very much for sharing The Ego and The Soul with me!” – Bonny Wynnobel

“Your book reminds me of the underpinnings of P. D. Ouspensky’s The Psychology of Man’s Possible Evolution which speaks to the idea that we don’t really know ourselves and the constructs we use, such Ego is just that – constructs.  And that there is the possibility of a higher evolution.  It requires awareness, wanting to have it, and work.” – Kim Taylor

“As soon I started reading I could sense truth in every word.  Having read many books, this one really hits the spot.  Simply pure delight.  The timing is just perfect!  The whole book is simply stunning and I truly feel in my heart it will contribute to many thousands of people realizing what I have!  I can now glimpse a way forward to move from darkness into full awareness.  I’ve had one of those moments of realizing how The Ego and The Soul is affecting my life.  It’s like I’m now observing, and although I’m at ground level, I have a new sense of vantage as if I’m at a higher place.  The metaphors are fantastic and resonate with a simplistic understanding.” – Simon Rose

“The key essence of full potential thriving – partnership of the ego and soul – not only benefits the individual, it collectively ensures the survival of our species.  Thank you, Ariole, for opening up our hearts and minds by compassionately showing the way to this universal truth and our salvation.  With The Ego and The Soul as allies we can simply become the peace, love and happiness we so desperately search for … opening the unhindered flow of sacred and divine empowerment, and miraculous possibilities … and as the domino effect for a future thriving planet.  Our Creator bestowed this gift on us … “As I do these things so Shall ye do them, and greater things.” – John 14:12. But we need an experienced navigator as a guide.  In The Ego and The Soul, Ariole compassionately and with expertise maps the way with her insightfully deep wisdom.” – Bonnie Lindal

Books – H.O.P.E. = Healing Ourselves and Planet Earth

“A must-read.  In the same vein as Eckhart Tolle’s A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life’s Purpose, this powerful book could not have been released at a better time given the current state of our planet Earth.  This ground-breaking book offers profound insights as to how we can heal our wounds in order to help heal the world.  So much food for thought.  In H.O.P.E. = Healing Ourselves and Planet Earth, author Ariole K. Alei gives us practical tools to help assist us on this journey offering us tangible solutions and direction for the future.  This courageous author candidly shares many deeply personal examples of her own experiences which in turn help us through the process of healing ourselves.  Many of us feel as though we can’t make a difference on our own.  But we can, and we are shown in this book what is happening in the world and how we can help make significant changes simply by making a shift in our consciousness and in our actions in order to experience a sustainable future.  H.O.P.E. will empower people and aid us all in recognizing the value and significance of our personal actions.”  Jodi Smith, Arts Publicist, JLS Entertainment

“To take one’s suffering, work it through, then transform it into a powerful message of HOPE for us all, is truly remarkable.  This is precisely what Ariole K. Alei does in H.O.P.E. = Healing Ourselves and Planet Earth.”  Ray Wehner, MD FRCPC, Founder, WehnerSound Ltd. 

“Ariole K. Alei awakens us to our mission: to discover our true power and begin to do what we are meant to do – share our wisdom and assist Earth’s passage into a new dimension.  H.O.P.E. = Healing Ourselves and Planet Earth is a wonderful roadmap for the journey!”  Valerie Joy Demerski, Founder, By The Law Of Attraction

“This is a book whose time has come.  If you have ever had a knowing about the truth in your life but have been unable to articulate it, H.O.P.E. = Healing Ourselves and Planet Earth is right for you.  Poetic, written with a descriptive lilt that feels like story time, Ariole K. Alei is masterful at articulating what you already know but may have temporarily forgotten. Ariole’s expertly described insights about the human condition are written with vision and courage.  If you value human liberation including your own, reading this work will serve you a plate of ‘soul’ food that will have you looking at the dessert menu for the rest of your life.  The truth and power in these words will move your mountain if you let them.”Craig Shearer, Founder, Solar Freedom International and Author, Stick it Where the Sun Shines

“Ariole K. Alei’s clarity of vision dispels the fog that keeps us small and suffering.  It supports us to stand in our rightful places on this wondrous earth.  We are all so interconnected and belong to each other.  Here is a woman who shines her light that we may all see clearly, taking our empowered places in the jigsaw of life – this beautiful world.  H.O.P.E. = Healing Ourselves and Planet Earth clearly illustrates how.  This truly is the simplicity of healing.  I ‘hope’ that many will pass through the door this book offers and find freedom and peace.”  Isabella Lazlo, Founder, Beloved Mother – Nurturing Ourselves and Our Earth

“At her articulate best, Ariole K. Alei, taps into her innate wisdom and life experience with a compassionate perspective to address the relevant issue of healing from a wide and inclusive scope of view – from a personal to a planetary level.  H.O.P.E. = Healing Ourselves and Planet Earth embraces it all.” – Bonnie Lindal, Meditation Student

“Yet another wonderful book full of insights and ‘Aha’ moments.  Beautifully articulated, H.O.P.E. = Healing Ourselves and Planet Earth helps readers identify the questions that need to be asked in order to open up to fuller consciousness.  Ariole K. Alei takes us masterfully through a process which makes it easy to ‘get it’, laying out before us – in her signature easy writing style – the simple steps of deep healing and its implementation.  It feels like H.O.P.E. is written just for ‘me’ – and it is!” Donna Chesney, Founder, Stepping Out

 “In Ariole K. Alei’s writing, the thinking, feeling, willing human is examined in the context of our (modern) challenge to overcome conditioning, codependency and the illusions that hold us captive and mired in ignorance.  H.O.P.E. = Healing Ourselves and Planet Earth reveals a soul-stretching personal history that allows the reader an opportunity to grieve and to dig into the farthest reaches of his or her soul to see light where there might only be darkness.  Ariole K. Alei has the ability to aid us in the restoration and transformation of our selves.  She engages phrases such as tuning into our unique individual ‘Predominant Pulse’ … and the implications for each of us doing this is far reaching and rich in H.O.P.E.”    Sally Williams, Facilitator and Teacher

“As with all of Ariole K. Alei’s previous books, I am deeply impressed by the breadth and depth of H.O.P.E. = Healing Ourselves and Planet Earth.  It is so comprehensive and integrative of ideas, principles, truths – wisdom – that has been, up until now, scattered amongst many other, ‘separate’ publications by other leaders.  H.O.P.E. brings it all into one, via Ariole’s own unique experiences, understanding and heart!”  Jan Rosgen, Artist and Coach, Art for Soul

Books – Codependence and the Art of Creating Boundaries

“Codependence and the Art of Creating Boundaries – Simple Revelations to Transform Our Lives and Our World is a remarkable, concise, and beautifully written book that gently and mystically opens channels from Ariole’s words to your psyche. While many books in this genre command your presence and actions, this one doesn’t make such demands—it simply creates the space for change and allows your body and mind to implement new habits that release you from years of ‘yesses’ that would have served you better had they been ‘nos’. It glides with ease into your being and you find yourself practicing the principles with grace and delight. This is an important book for people of all walks and ages, and yes, I wish it had been taught in kindergarten!  I found myself thrilled to blurt out a solid “no” a couple of times recently, and it felt good! The teaching works, and I look forward to practicing more positive boundary-creating.” – Susan Gordon, Co-author, The Compassionate Equestrian and founder of The Compassionate Equestrian Network

Books – HeartSong – Discover the Secret to a Fulfilling Love Relationship

“Reading HeartSong is like listening in on a conversation between two people in search of clarity about all human relationships. It’s honest. It flows. And it inspires.” – J.R.

Books – Awakening Instinct – ‘A Trilogy’

“Wow – what a powerful book! Thank you for sharing your wisdom so generously.” – R.C.

“It resonates very true with me. It’s so wonderfully put.” – Bonnie L.

Books – The Simplexity of Abundance

“If you like ‘The Secret’ and what it uncovered about the Law of Attraction, then you are in for a treat. The Simplexity of Abundance offers more substance and tools as to how you can REALLY achieve true abundance and joy in ALL aspects of your life!” – Jodi Smith, Arts Publicist, JLS Entertainment

“I so appreciate your book The Simplexity of Abundance, given to me by a friend who attended your HOPE Retreat.  Your work is filled with love and light. I look forward to working with you.” – C.M.

Books – Birds’ Eye View – A Travel Guide to the Universe

“Daniel [the Reviewer] was impressed – he wept – and reread the second half twice.” – A.

“Now THIS is the kind of book that makes me want to read!” – Jitka H.

“I just finished reading Bird’s Eye View. I’m still blown away – what an incredible journey! Thank you to you for being open and sharing.” – Irene D.

“Your book [Birds’ Eye View] is brilliant! Especially the last few pages “A new voice speaks”. I have re-read it a number of times. The part about 
living every moment as if it were a brand new experience, as if I were new to earth, feeling for the first time … has proven to be very potent for me in 
opening to the present. What a blessing … among other things.” – Sara G.

“Oh my gosh! You are so incredible! You are writing books!!! Wow!!! Look at you and your amazing powers! You honestly are one of the people that touched me the most. I constantly saw that inner strength in you and your enchanting potential. You are very special. Never forget that about yourself. You are one of a kind. I saw that. Thank you.” – Kinnie S.