It’s time for us all to share our toys in the sandbox.
As the world rapidly enters an eye-popping and mind-bending spectacle, as the US ‘leadership’ wields its oligarchical bid (“I’m the king of the castle, and you’re the dirty rascal”, and ‘Capture the Flag’), it is imperative that we keep two key issues in our active focus: Indigenous and climate repatriation.
This May is the 10 Year Anniversary of the Canadian Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s incredibly deep, broad, courageous, and revelatory findings. Given the scope and scale of atrocities rendered upon Indigenous peoples, it is pitiful how little we as a nation have done – government and the people – to truly embrace and act upon the ’94 Calls to Action’ clearly outlined by the Commission.
I call upon all Canadians – even in this time of tariffs and uncertainty – to actively pledge 1% of income to personal support of our Indigenous neighbours, wherever we live in this fine country, that we all have the privilege of calling our home. If not income, then time and caring. Do something constructive, generous of your spirit. Respectfully offer it now.
At the same time, the environment is crying out for our care. This is becoming deafening. It will increase – until and unless we truly take our symbiotic relationship with Mother Earth – the lands, waters, air, and creatures whom we co-habit with – seriously.
I call upon all Canadians to actively pledge 1% of income to environmental organizations who are leading the way, and/or to investing in clean tech companies and regenerative practices. Either way, your income is a loud voice, together creating our path to a much brighter future.
Here are some ideas. Embrace opportunities to meet our Indigenous neighbours. Be open, respectful, and curious to learn. Let go your conditioning of giving only in exchange for tax receipts. If you prefer to support existing organizations that are well known, here are some. Spirit North and Indspire for Indigenous supporting. Sierra Club Canada for environmental. There are so many ways. Choose one. Care – and take action.
This is a time – as you well know – for us to leverage the great rock of resistance and inertia, to truly gain momentum in constructive, inclusive, restorative change, to create a thriving world in which humans remember and re-live our sacred balance with the Earth.
I am not a religious person. I am deeply spiritual. Body, heart, mind, and spirit. The Four Directions. The four aspects of each and every human being. All My Relations.
We are one nation, comprised of a richly diverse people. Together we live upon one planet.
Care. Give. Engage. Now.