Books and Courses

Author, Tele Class Leader, Facilitator, Keynote Speaker

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Some of these titles – in softcover and ebook format – are available directly for purchase at

To inquire about any of these books, Contact us including the book’s title in your Message.  

We will send you .pdf’s of as-yet-unpublished books – including updated versions that are awaiting publication.

The Simplexity of Abundance – 4 Steps to Plenty

HeartSong – Conversations about Love, Joy and Sex – Discover the Secret to a Fulfilling Love Relationship

The Healing Power of Anger – A Handbook for Humans of All Ages

H.O.P.E. = Healing Ourselves and Planet Earth – A Blueprint for Personal and Planetary Change

Codependence and the Art of Creating Boundaries – Simple Revelations to Transform Our Lives and Our World

The Ego and The Soul – A Map for Humanity’s Ultimate Thrival

Awakening Instinct * Running the Gauntlet * Windows Through Time – A Trilogy

Online Courses

To inquire about any of these courses, Contact us.  Please clarify if your interest is for you as an individual, or for a group.

New courses can be customized upon request.

Be The Wave Of Change >>> Be a leader in these times of unprecedented change.  Through enhancing clarity plus vision, access your unique gifts and fortes to make your positive mark in this world.

What’s Next?  Transitioning With Joy and Ease >>> Change can be daunting, professionally and personally.  Gaining a clear map of where you wish to go, plus support in celebrating where you’ve been, propels you to greater heights with confidence.  This course was initially designed for Olympic athletes in transition. 

Emotional Intelligence 101 >>> Emotions are both our lamplights and “the enzymes that digest our life experience”.  Learn how to recognize, befriend and embrace the power inherent in the human experience of ‘feeling’.  Leverage your mind with the fuel of your heart.

30 Day Meditation Oasis >>> A smorgasbord of ways to relax and calm the mind are a gift to the soul.  More peaceful and clear, we become energized and open, able to achieve more, and to enjoy life as we do!

108 Day Meditation Infusion >>> A more in-depth version of ’30 Day Meditation Oasis’, ‘Infusion’ is just that, an embodying and a resetting of the nervous system, creating a baseline of tranquility, vitality and ease.

The Power Of Intuition >>> Your greatest tool that is largely dormant and untapped, Intuition is the most energy-efficient way to map possible life routes and to make real-time decisions.  Revive your innate capacity to Intuit compelling outcomes, and make by-far the best choices.

The Healing Power Of Anger >>> Most humans are crippled in relation to anger, either modeling explosion or implosion, both of which are destructive.  There is a ‘3rd Option’, which is to access the inherent power within anger, via moving its energy constructively.  This course will change your life.

Codependence and the Art of Creating Boundaries >>> Many people are completely unaware of the insipid presence of Codependence.  It zaps energy, and enslaves people to limits that are not healthy.  This course reveals to you what Codependence is, where it hides, and how to liberate yourself from it, truly reclaiming your vibrancy and empowerment.

Soul Mates >>> Everyone yearns to love and be loved.  Finding the ideal mate is a daunting search in our current world.  This course reveals how to become the person you wish to attract, increasing your chances of doing just that!

Ally Relationships for Lifelong Joy and Trust >>> Most relationships are destructive, subliminally or overtly, reducing the empowerment of all involved.  ‘Ally Relationships’ is a refreshing way of being with self and others that fosters and enhances trust, sowing seeds of joy and fulfillment rare in most relationships.

H.O.P.E. = Healing Ourselves and Planet Earth >>> The transformation of our current world exists within us.  As we discover the simple principles of ‘healing’, we become more whole, more joyous, more clear and empowered.  This is the pivot point, the seed that allows a transformation of this world from one of division and derision to one flourishing with true hope and wellbeing.

Healing Depression and Anxiety Naturally >>> Depression and anxiety are worldwide epidemics, rapidly increasing in all ages of society.  Simple tools of understanding and practice unlock their holds, liberating people to live lives of meaning, joy and fulfillment.

Preventing + Resolving Conflict with Grace and Ease >>> Dovetailing with ‘Ally Relationships’, this course gives non-intimate partners and teams the skills needed to self-respect, deeply listen, and thus increase understanding and mutual acceptance.  Akin to discourse rather than war, this course gives tools that can be applied in any age range, in any context, in our work and world.

Abundance In Action – Fundamentals >>> Anything you dream, you can achieve.  Based on The Simplexity of Abundance – 4 Steps to Plenty, master this clear and simple roadmap to success.

Abundance In Action – Mastery >>> This is an advanced version of the ‘Fundamentals’ course.